In compliance with Article 22 of the Information Society Services Act, as amended by Royal Decree Law 13/2012, of March 30, and relating to the use of cookies:

TECNOLOGY SOLUTIONS EXPERTS S.L inform that this website uses cookies for navigation through our website in order to measure and analyze traffic, always with the aim of facilitating your experience as a user and offer you a better service.


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the User’s computer when accessing certain websites, such as, for example, this one. Cookies allow these websites, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the User’s browsing habits or those of your computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, can be used to recognize the User.


What cookies does this Web Site use?


Technical Cookies
GRECAPTCHA: This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial to the website in order to produce valid reports on the use of its website. GOOGLE 179 days

dmPagesCache: Technical cookie that synchronizes the website with the CMS (Content Management System) _ this is used to update the website.

OWN Persistent
fp-message-queue: Used in context with external API content- This cookie is used to present the user with pop-up messages regarding upload/download progress. Persistent
JSESSIONID: Stores user states on all page requests. Session
li_gc: Stores the user’s cookie consent status. 2 years.
Statistics Cookies
Webanalytics: Contains a visitor identifier – this is used to track visitor navigation and interaction on the website in order to internally optimize the website. Session.
Cookies : Marketing
Bcookie; bscookie; lidc.
Cookies Used by the social networking service LinkedIn to track usage of services.
– Bcookie (2 years)
– bscookie (2 years)
– lidc (1 day)
Lang: Cookies set by LinkedIn when a web page contains an embedded “Follow Us” panel. Session.
How can I block or delete cookies used by this Website?

The first time the User visits the Website, he/she will be warned about the use of cookies and will be given the possibility to accept all of them or to access the configuration panel included in this Cookies Policy. Except for own technical cookies, which are necessary for the Website to function properly, the rest can be rejected completely or in granular form.


On subsequent visits to the Website, the User may reconfigure his or her preferences on the use of cookies by accessing this Cookie Policy again.


The User can also allow, block or delete cookies installed on their computer by configuring the browser options installed on their computer.


To configure the browser, disable or manage the installation of cookies, and thus automatically delete them once the browser, computer or device is closed, you can get more information by clicking on the following links that we provide, depending on the browser you use:

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer
Safari web
Safari IOS


In general, most browsers allow quick access to delete browsing data by pressing the key sequence Ctrl+Shift+Delete, and Cookies can be deleted.


Updating our Cookies Policy


We may update our Cookies Policy on this website depending on legal or technical requirements, so if you wish, we advise you to review this policy on occasion, to be properly informed about how and what we use cookies for.


Last updated: 01/04/2022